"What I love most about rivers is:
You can't step in the same river twice
The water's always changing, always flowing
But people, I guess, can't live like that
We all must pay a price"
In life we find ourselves in crossroads, and our hearts troubled to find the right path. Our fears are overwhelming as we find what is out there. For if we choose one path, we might regret not choosing the other. Confusions cloud our minds and judgments in our quest for happiness. We realize that the barriers to make the right choices are our own selves and our fears.
"Should I choose the smoothest course
Steady as the beating drum?
Should I marry Kocoum?
Is all my dreaming at an end?
Or do you still wait for me, Dream Giver
Just around the riverbend?"
Would you rather choose a path that's stable and never changing? Or a path that you don't know what to expect yet full of excitement. The problem with these choices is that the fear that you may pay the price of regrets. How can anyone overcome looking at yourself in the mirror and watching a life you could have chosen.
Dilemmas we encounter growing up that never presented itself when we were young. Who would have ever thought watching Pocahontas when we were a kid actually relates to our lives when we are at our mid 20s. However, like the movie, it's not the choice that dictate our lives but the steps we make towards it. It might not matter in the end whatever path we take; we just have to always remember that its in living them and experiencing each moment that matters.
Life is not made up of fears but moments...
(Credits : Youtube and http://www.stlyrics.com/)