"Each one of us has a story to tell and each one of us has an adventure to live" - Ryza


When did it go wrong?

When did I wake up to feel a touch that once warm turn to ice?

When did your eyes look mine with so much emptiness?

When did the love you once had wither away?


There's no clear 1-2-3 steps on how to recover from a heartbreak. You could search a billion number of ways looking for that elixir just to put an end to the never ending pain you feel. The pain of such lost that it feels like part of yourself is gone. What's worst is that you don't know where its coming from so you don't know how to fix it. It's funny because there would always be a cure to the physical pains we feel.  When you get migraines, when you have stomach aches, or even when you have a fractured arm. Our body knows how to heal these, but what can you do when it's your heart that's broken? What do you do that even though you feel a crushing pain on your chest, you know that no amount of pain killers will help stop it from hurting. 

For we know that your heart doesn't break. It isn't your heart that bleeds.

It's your soul and innermost being that's hurting. It is that broken trust, shattered dreams and futures that are lost forever.

So tell me, is there really a cure to such pain?

Is it a simple 1-2-3, here are the steps?

I wish I can tell you how to move one. I wish I can tell you that you would heal 'coz even I wouldn't know where to start the healing phase. 

I can only share this. If one day you find yourself with this kind of pain, know that it's okay to cry. It is okay to feel such loss. You gave it your best and that person didn't see that. He only saw your worst, and he didn't love you enough to look past that. 

It is okay to let those tears fall.

It's okay knowing that no matter how hard you would try you could have not known, and even if you knew you could not have stop yourself...

From trusting him..
From loving him...

But in those times where you feel like you cannot breathe anymore, just know that one day it will get better.

If there is one thing I know for sure is that the only cure for heartbreak is hope.

Hope that one morning you will wake up and you can smile again. 

Hope that one day you will find the love meant for you. 

Hope that one day those tears of heartbreak will turn to tears of joy. 

Hope that one moment in this life.. 

You would find ....
