"Each one of us has a story to tell and each one of us has an adventure to live" - Ryza

Belgian Chocolate

Handmade Chocolate
- Bruuge -
An aphrodisiac that makes all your worries fade away.

I’ve always been a chocoholic and even when I was kid, whenever I see chocolate, my eyes go wide and my mouth would drool. Now that I'm an adult, chocolate has become my best friend on those days when I feel like my world is collapsing. It is also my companion to get me through the insurmountable tasks I have during the day. Chocolate is and will always be our comfort food regardless of what age we are in; what language we speak or even the color of our skin.

During my travels, I was lucky enough to be able to experience hand made Belgian chocolate. So if you're having a European tour, I would suggest not to miss out on this authentic treat.

The rich texture of cocoa in your mouth will make all sense and logic leave your inner being. It is sinfully delicious. However, unlike any other chocolate, Belgian chocolate have a distinct taste that lingers and creates a memory imprint in your brain. What makes it so special is how rich and velvety smooth it truly is. That aroma and taste remains even after you've consumed one single bar. This develops into an insatiable craving for more. It doesn't matter if you get dark chocolate, milk chocolate or even their white chocolate; the sensation is the same.

You would want to devour.
To indulge
To be sinful

Yet, like all things in life, although we want more than what we have, we got to admit that there’s a time to simply enjoy what we just had.

To stop wanting and start appreciating.

Finding the contentment that we get to experience things, and have things that not all people get to enjoy is what I think is most important. So unlike the chubby cheek kid in the Willy Wonka movie, who had the greed of wanting to eat all the chocolate in the factory; I just want to be like Charlie and appreciate a single bar

... and the beauty of being able to experience it.

- Brussels -
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