"Each one of us has a story to tell and each one of us has an adventure to live" - Ryza

Mr. Perfect

Sometimes in life we dream of meeting Mr. Perfect. He’s that one guy in our lives who sweeps us off our feet. His smile makes everything disappear, and anything he says just managed to capture our hearts. We have to be honest with ourselves that we’ve always dream of marrying him. Ever since we’re little girls he always was the man in our fantasy. 

Our Prince Charming, our Jason Fielding, our Brad Pitt.

So what happens when this dream guy steps into our lives?
What happens if one day, he shows up?
What will you do if one fateful day, he would decide to love you?
Wouldn't you say that you’re dreams came true?

However meeting the perfect guy and having him say those magic words could seem like a dream, and yes in the dream it would be so magical. Yet, when the time came when the clock strikes 12 or when you decide to wake up from your sleep; you would soon realize that Mr. Perfect is not Mr. Right.

He isn’t the right guy who would hold your hand when things go wrong, or would be the one who would stand by your side when you have to fight your own demons. 
Mr. Right might not know the words to say to sweep you off your feet and he might not even know the words to say to make you have dopey eyes. Even when his romance is a scale of 2 out of 10, remember that he is that one person that will grow old with you. He would be that one person who will still say you’re beautiful as the wrinkles of time become evident. He is that one guy that would do almost everything and anything to make you live happily ever after.

Yes, Mr. Perfect may not always be the guy for you; and it is really okay…

‘Coz the man you’re with now
The one seated on the couch drinking a beer and waving at you,
 Even with all his imperfections is the one…

 Whose Right