"Each one of us has a story to tell and each one of us has an adventure to live" - Ryza

Soul Mates

"Do you believe in soulmates?"

That is always the question that sits back at the far corners of our hearts. Our minds try to deny the notion of their existence, but can't explain the feeling of dejavu. 
That very moment where your eyes meet and you know that you have known that man your entire life. That one person God placed in this earth to be your Adam and you're his Eve.

Yet, in this day and age where the mind overrules the heart; people will always judge you to be insane. A person living in a fairy tale bubble that needs to open her eyes to reality. They might even say you're naive, and illogical. 

But Tell Me..... 

Can one's heart be logical?

 We cannot just settle simply because we fear of finding the one person that will give us true happiness. Happiness that would need us to trust our heart's desires. I know we have been hurt too much that we simply fear. Yet, a true testament of our soul mate's love is how they will be there for that person when they are at their worst. 

In times where the heart blackens and suffers. 

Depression can take a toll on a person, it's an evil venom that slowly eats the essence and reason for living. But our soul mates, our partners, our true loves will be there no matter what.

To hold our hand when we are crippled with fear
To breathe air into us when we fail to inhale no more
To be our shield when life begins to be too much

Yes, I do believe in soul mates.. in true love.. in that one person who wouldn't let go. The one man who will be forever yours from this day and until the end of days.

Your one true love exist

It's only up to you to be brave enough 

To fall in love
To be in love
To trust in your destinies entwined

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