"Each one of us has a story to tell and each one of us has an adventure to live" - Ryza

" Cafe "

-la vie parisienne cebu -
If ever you happen to pass by the Queen City of the South, Cebu; find a moment and time to take your loved one to a cafe. A touch of Paris right here in the streets of Cebu. 

Wine .. a decadent cake.. and memories that will last you a lifetime.

They say romance and chivalry are dead, however I beg to disagree. In my own opinion; those never left... we just learn to accept and settle what we have. 

People deserved to be treated like kings and queens, especially if it would mean forging a love incomparable to the ones' written in storybooks. 

But ofcourse, one is not Cinderalla and can never be Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, but one can be just simply be... them. 

To be you and to be accepted

To be loved and not judged

To be happy and had lived..

'Coz after all.. you only have one life to live... let it be spent with the one person who will be yours for eternity

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