"Each one of us has a story to tell and each one of us has an adventure to live" - Ryza

Perfection and Expectations

Perfection and Expectations

- Idina Menzel " Let It Go " -


A young girl grew up with the idea of success equates perfection; that to be someone, she needs to achieve a level of excellence. So all her life, she kept trying to achieve that said expectation. Everything she does was to make the Queen proud of her, and someday will call her.. daughter. 

Growing up, she always follow what is to be expected. Hiding her weaknesses and tears behind masks. Her mind numbed her heart to be frozen, in this way it only follows and never question. 

Thinking that if she would do that.. she would be loved
Thinking if she does what is expected, she would finally be acknowledged

All her life, that was all she did. Yet, it was never enough. 

People expected more. People demanded more. 

On one faithful day, she found love. 

A love so strong, her frozen heart begins to melt. However, with this requited love comes a painful reminder that the veil of perfection will be unfolded.

Her true self .... her weakness... her heart.. will be shown.

The only question is, will the love be so strong to be her shield from the eyes of disappointment?

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