"Each one of us has a story to tell and each one of us has an adventure to live" - Ryza

Rescued or Caged? : Tiger Temple Thailand

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Probably, the most controversial temple in all of Southeast Asia is the Tiger Temple or the Wat Pha Luang Ta Bua located in the Saiyok district of Thailand’s Kanchanaburi province.

There have been many reports that the tigers living in the monastery are not rescued but caged as a major tourist attraction. Instead of being released to the wild, these tigers have been drugged and sedated as well as being hit from time to time. Reports of abuse and maltreatment have been circulating in the internet. 
In August 2013, blogger and animal rights activist Turner Barr went "undercover" at Tiger Temple as a volunteer for 30 days. He chronicled his time there on a YouTube video that shows what he considered to be molestation, maltreatment and malnutrition of the tigers. He summarized his findings on his blog, Around the World in 80 Jobs, and distilled these down to 7 essential reasons to think twice before visiting Tiger Temple. ( Credits : Wikipedia )

These are heavy allegations on a monastery whose original intention was to be a sanctuary for abandoned tigers since 1999. 

We all have mixed feelings when it comes to the conservation of animals. Just like our reservations when it comes to animals being caged in zoos than to be free in the wild. 

However, before any conclusions will be made, has one seen the devastation man has brought upon the tiger's homes?  If these gentle giants are to go out and be free, will they even survive in the world of industrialization? In a world where people are more worried on WiFi hot spots, new gadgets or new cars than planting trees for our own oxygen consumption. 

Yes, the tiger temple is really controversial. However, aren't all zoos whose caging animals are? 

I have visited the temple last May 2013. I even have a photo with the tigers. Don't get me wrong, fear is forever present; yet, the excitement and amazement overpowers any fears. I even had the opportunity to bottle feed baby cubs. An unbelievable memory that you would cherish for years to come. This is what one would want to experience when they visit the place. An opportunity to be up close and be able touch these giants that we only get to see on National Geographic. Then once we've experience that, we can realize that aside from the humans that roam around the earth; we share it with these animals. We share the planet with the most wonderful of creatures; and maybe just maybe that realization becomes us and we soon create a ripple of change. More than poverty, the conservation of our planet is what's at stake.

I saw no maltreatment or any form of abuse in the temple; but I did see the care of the volunteers have towards these animals. I saw the monks and how they treat the tigers like family.

Polarities from two different perspective regarding the temple will always be there. You just have to see it for yourself to draw up your own conclusion. 


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